Thursday, March 26, 2009

CELS Discussion Papers, 2008/4

Publication from CELS

Title: Population and Labour Market Prospective in Thailand and Vietnam
Authors: Xavier Oudin
Language: English

In this discussion paper, we have gathered some studies based on statistical comparisons between Vietnam and Thailand. They were the material used for numerous presentations, discussions and of course, for the final report submitted to the Thai Research Fund.
It was not in the terms of reference of this project to compare economic performances of the two countries. The few materials presented here are just contextual information, recalling that Vietnam, despite rapid economic growth in the last two decades, still lag behind Thailand. The demographic frame seemed important to the participants inasmuch as it impacts on the labour market and on economic choices.
As shown in a previous discussion paper, Vietnam and Thailand face opposite constraints from population evolution. In this paper, we detail the projections of population and their impact on the age structure. We then focus on the consequences of the demographic transition on labour markets in the two countries. We try to draw some perspectives on labour market and even introduce some hypotheses concerning skills. This allows us to make a simulation of what the labour market will look like in 2025.

To download CELS Discussion Papers 2008/4, please click here.

This CELS Discussion Papers supported the Research Project "Labour Capacity Preparation in Thailand and in Vietnam 1980-2025", sponsored by TRF (June 2007-June 2008).

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