Thursday, January 15, 2009

CELS Discussion Papers, 2008/2

Publication from CELS

Title: Comparing population structure and education systems between Thailand and Vietnam
Authors: Xavier Oudin and Phasina Tangchuang
Language: English

Following short articles are the basic material used to popularise some findings of the research programme funded by the Thai Research Fund (TRF). At their request, articles were published in order to disseminate findings of research projects to a larger audience. Final articles were published in Thai in the Krungthep Thurakit (Bangkok Business) in 2008.
The first article compares the age structure of population of Vietnam and Thailand and shows the implication of different situations in both countries. One of them is the pressure for migration, as explained in the second article. The third and fourth articles deal with education systems, more particularly with the organisation of the Vocational and Technical Education and the paths or trajectories of study in VTE. A last article gives some reflexions on selection in the education system in the two countries, which were discussed during this project.
This CELS Discussion Papers has supported the Research Project "Labour Capacity Preparation in Thailand and in Vietnam 1980-2020", sponsored by TRF (June 2007-June 2008).

To download CELS Discussion Papers 2008/2, please click here.

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