Thursday, March 26, 2009

CELS Discussion Papers, 2008/4

Publication from CELS

Title: Population and Labour Market Prospective in Thailand and Vietnam
Authors: Xavier Oudin
Language: English

In this discussion paper, we have gathered some studies based on statistical comparisons between Vietnam and Thailand. They were the material used for numerous presentations, discussions and of course, for the final report submitted to the Thai Research Fund.
It was not in the terms of reference of this project to compare economic performances of the two countries. The few materials presented here are just contextual information, recalling that Vietnam, despite rapid economic growth in the last two decades, still lag behind Thailand. The demographic frame seemed important to the participants inasmuch as it impacts on the labour market and on economic choices.
As shown in a previous discussion paper, Vietnam and Thailand face opposite constraints from population evolution. In this paper, we detail the projections of population and their impact on the age structure. We then focus on the consequences of the demographic transition on labour markets in the two countries. We try to draw some perspectives on labour market and even introduce some hypotheses concerning skills. This allows us to make a simulation of what the labour market will look like in 2025.

To download CELS Discussion Papers 2008/4, please click here.

This CELS Discussion Papers supported the Research Project "Labour Capacity Preparation in Thailand and in Vietnam 1980-2025", sponsored by TRF (June 2007-June 2008).

To see how you can contribute to "CELS Discussion Papers" series, please follow this link.

Meeting CAMT - CELS

On Monday 23rd March, the CELS met with the CAMT team (College of Arts, Media and Technology - Chiang Mai University) to discuss on the issue of skills formation.
This meeting was a great opportunity for the two teams to exchange on issues related to skills and co-op education programmes for instance.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CELS Discussion Papers, 2009/1

Publication from CELS

Title: The implementation of the local content provision in Thai basic education
Authors: Audrey Baron-Gutty and Supat Chupradit
Language: English

This paper is based on questionnaires submitted by the CELS in schools located in poor areas of Northern and North-Eastern Thailand. The aim was to assess to which extent the schools have implemented the so-called 'local curriculum' that they have been put in charge with.
This field survey was also a way to evaluate the content of this curriculum and the hurdles towards its implementation.
To download CELS Discussion Papers 2009/1, please click here.

This paper supports the reasearch project launched in December 2008, 'Education, Identity and Economy. Ten Years of Educational Reform in Thailand'.

To see how you can contribute to "CELS Discussion Papers" series, please follow this link.

Training Session on Didactics / CELS-JEAI

On Saturday 15th March 2009, the CELS organised a training session for its partners from Rajabhat Universities.
Participants attended the session from 9am to 5pm. The topic was the transposition process of knowledge, from expert down to the classroom and the students.

The session was conducted by Laurent Veillard, from the University Lumière-Lyon 2 in France. Dr Veillard is a specialist of didactics, especially regarding vocational and technical education.
He introduced participants to the theoretical framework of didactics and explained how to conduct classroom observations using video-recording.

Click here to download his presentation.
This training session was greatly appreciated by all attendees and is part of an overall project conducted under the programme of Jeunes Equipes Associées à l'IRD (JEAI-Young Research Laboratory Associated to the IRD). The full brochure related to this session is available at the CELS Ofiice (Chiang Mai).

Monday, March 16, 2009

New books purchased - March 2009

The CELS has purchased new books related to its fields of research.

See here the list of the new purchases (March 2009).

Books are available at the CELS Documentation Centre for reading. Do not hesitate to come and have a look!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Training Session on Didactics / CELS-JEAI / Announcement

With the cooperation of the French University of Lyon 2, the CELS-JEAI organises on Saturday 14th March a one day training session with research teams from Uttaradit, Lampang, Sakon Nakorn, and Udon Thani Rajabhat Universities.

This training session is part of a collaborative research project on didactics, aiming at improving the quality of teaching by producing reflexive teachers.

This session will provide theoretical and practical insights into the observation of educational practices, by using - among other methods of observation - video recording.

The training session will take place in the premises of CELS-JEAI, at the Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University.