Friday, October 30, 2009

Presentation of Dr. Phasina - 2009 Council on Thai Studies Conference / NIU

On October 23-24, Dr. Phasina Tangchuang attended the 2009 Council on Thai Studies Conference held by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University (USA). There were around 70 participants from American universities (i.e. Wisconsin University, Ohio University, Southern Illinois University), from Australia, the UK and Thailand.

Many participants were professors but also PhD students who had just defended their dissertation. Topics presented were of different kinds: Religion, Social issues, Economics, Politics, Language, Education and Concentration. All of them were of course related to Thai studies.

Dr. Phasina made a well-documented presentation entitled "Globalization and Traditionalism: A Case of Northern Thailand", based on field works carried out as part of his research work within the CELS. The audience showed deep interest and asked many questions.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Workshops 18-20 and 24-26 November 2009

With the assistance of two experts from France (Université Lumière Lyon 2), Dr. Andrée Tiberghien and Dr. Sylvie Coppé, Dr. Alain Mounier and Ajan Phasina Tangchuang will lead two 3-day workshops.

The subject of the workshops is the use of Transana programme for video transforming and for classroom video analysis and reflection to Pratoom 4 Mathematics teachers.

The details are the following.

18-20 November 2009 at Lampang Rajabhat University
Participants from Uttaradit, Chiang Mai and Petchaboon
Limit: 20 particpants

24-26 November 2009 at Udon Thani Rajabhat University
Particpants from Sakhon Nakhon
Limit: 20 participants

Participants are video-taped Pratoom 4 Mathematics teachers, Rajabhat University professors, supervisors from Thesaban and Provincial Education Service Area.

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Day 1: Didactic of mathematics and analysis of lesson plan videos
09:00 - 12:00 Introduction to didactic
13:30 - 16:00 Analysis of lesson plan videos

Day 2: Didactic of mathematics and analysis of classroom videos
09:00 - 12:00 Analysis of classroom videos
13:30 - 16:00 Analysis of classroom videos (continued)

Day 3: Comparing analyses and research reports
09:00 - 12:00 Some methods of comparison
13:30 - 15:30 Prospects: Organising a video database for the research network

Friday, October 16, 2009

Training Sessions / Transana Programme

Please note that the CELS will hold the following training sessions on how to use Transana Programme.
  • 2nd and 3rd November 2009: Drs. Alain Mounier and Phasina Tangchuang will go to Sakhon Nakhon and Udon Thani Rajabhat Universities to hold a workshop training on how to use Transana Programme for video transforming and interpretation. Attendants will be professors from Rajabhat University and supervisors from Thesaban and Provincial Education Service Area. The workshop will be organised as a one-day session in each Rajabhat university. Attendance will be limited to ten participants per workshop.
  • 5th and 6th November 2009: Drs. Alain Mounier and Phasina Tangchuang will lead the same training sessions in Uttaradit and Lampang Rajabhat Universities.

Pictures from field work

Videorecording of a teaching session. The record was made in a small-sized rural elementary school in Chiang Mai.

Videorecording during a teaching session. The videotape was done in a small-sized elementary school in Lampang.

Monday, October 5, 2009

OP 11 Education, Economy and Identity Ten Years of Educational Reform in Thailand

The CELS is proud to announce the release of the Occasional Paper published together with the IRASEC.

Irasec – Occasional Paper n°11, September 2009, 114 p.

ISBN : 978-61616-90282-0-83


The last educational reform in Thailand, starting in 1999, has tried to balance two challenges: safeguarding the Thai culture and identity, and ensuring a solid basis for Thailand in a world economy oriented towards knowledge-based and high-tech goals.
Policy-makers have put the stress on strengthening “Thai local wisdom” and this has been put in practise through the obligation for schools to develop a local curriculum. This curriculum shall represent 30% of the overall teaching hours. This provision epitomises the search for a balanced schooling system, between indigenous wisdom, global knowledge and employability.
The other dimension of the reform has been to secure Thailand’s position in a context of high value-added industrialisation. Policy-makers have put the stress on the development of vocational and technical education, and cooperative education programmes. Their goals in terms of labour force training improvements have proved difficult to achieve.

The Editors:

Audrey BARON-GUTTY (Université de Lyon, Institut d’Asie Orientale) is a PhD Student in Political Science. Her thesis deals with the impact of globalisation on the making and implementation of national educational policies, with a special focus on Thailand and its educational reform launched in 1999. She was sponsored for two years by the IRASEC to carry out her field work and the CELS (Centre for Education and Labour Studies), based at Chiang Mai University, provided her with institutional support.

Supat CHUPRADIT (CELS, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University) is a PhD student in Research and Development in Education. His thesis topic deals with dual vocational training in vocational and technical institutions in Thailand, and its role in skills and knowledge formation and transmission. He has taken part in CELS-conducted research projects, including the one funded by NRCT (National Research Council of Thailand) on education and poverty.

The Contributors:

Follow the links for more details and free download in PDF format.