Thursday, January 28, 2010

Book release

The CELS is proud to announce that its book "Education & Knowledge in Thailand. The Quality Controversy", edited by Alain Mounier and Phasina Tangchaung, has been released.

More details are avalaible on the publishing house website : Silkwormbooks.

Conference in Phnom Penh

Dr. Phasina Tangchuang attended the 2nd annual conference of the Academic Network for Development in Asia (ANDA) at Phnom Penh Hotel, Cambodia, from 8th to 10th January 2010.

He was invited by the Graduate School of International Development (GSID), Nagoya University, and presented a paper on Labour Capacity Preparation in Thailand and Vietnam.

Research project on education in Laos

The JEAI-CELS team visited the Ministry of Education of Laos PDR. They met the Director of the Education Standards and Quality Assurance Centre, Mr. VanhSay Noraseng, and his staff.

The Director wants the JEAI-CELS to give advice on how to improve education quality in Laos, from primary up to higher education.

This will be the purpose of a forthcoming project that will take place in 2010.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

The CELS wishes you a fruitful year 2010.

May this new year bring you success and happiness.